Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent

American Idol

    Can you say bye bye to Matt?  Well not sure but it is funny to listen to Randy and Simon fight like two little girls.  Is there a single singer that the two of these guys can agree on?  They fight worse than Paula and what the hell is that other lady’s name?  It seems like Kara and Randy are teaming up and going toe to toe with Paula and Simon in the opposite corner.  Can we all just get along?  Interestingly the singing sensation/ultimate fighting show is only overshadowed by the little piglet sickness.  Is this the virus that is going to take us all out emulating our movies focusing on the plague of the future?
    I happen to agree with Simon more times than not but damn Randy is just plain cool.  The next thing you know he might be switching parties similar to Specter and that would just throw off the entire balance.  We can’t have one party with more power than the other.  This is reserved for marriages only.  No offense to all the women out there.  My suggestion is to serve up Pork at all weddings and let the best man/woman survive.  The US now has its first death from the much hyped virus and it sounds like there might be more coming.
    I watched a movie the other night about a deadly virus and I thought that most of them originated in Great Britain.  How can you isolate the island if the virus starts on a continent?  Culturally we are so integrated cross country that a virus spreads just about as fast as you can sneeze in the direction of Canada.  The world wide proliferation of McDonalds had to take its toll on society at some point and ironically they don’t even serve pork.
    The good news is that Pakistan has stood up and decided to squash the rebellion occurring as the Taliban attempted their latest uprising.  The bad news is that North Korea will probably just Nuke them in a couple years anyway.  We should tell everyone if they can’t figure out how to get along we will force feed them pork chops grown in Pittsburgh which continues to hold the ranking as the city with the worse air quality.  I am not sure if that would be bad for the virus or possibly help to kill it off.  Sometimes two wrongs make a right.
    Just ask Mel’s new girlfriend.  Does she know what he is like when he drinks?  Ah, now there is the true rantings of a lunatic.  We should tell Mel that if he truly has lost his swagger talk to Danny on American Idol.  He apparently has found it, although in my humble opinion Kris and Adam are tops. Those two guys are incredible.  Bye Bye Matt.

April 28, 2009 Posted by | Current Events | , , | Leave a comment

Cheerleaders Part I of a series

    Last year I went to a SF 49rs game and luckily I had a pregame party pass for a VIP event that included the SF cheerleaders being in attendance.  It was interesting meeting some of the girls up close and by girls I do mean girls.  They were all in their early twenties and yes they were smoking hot.  They are paid at these events to schmooze with the attending guests taking pictures, signing calendars and handing out these picture pages of the group.  They would then each sign your picture if you desired and spend a minute talking.
    I met several of them and only one really stood out.  She was a blonde, gorgeous as they all were but had a personality.  She was genuinely nice and seemed to find an interest in her job.  The rest of the group was cold and very elitist stopping to sign their picture and then moving on.  I am not sure that I can blame them as cheerleaders continue to be placed on a pedestal and ogled by society stemming back from everyone’s high school days when we all wanted to date the cheerleader and all the hot girls were cheerleaders.  We even had the hit series “Heroes” base its first season on nothing other than the cheerleader.
    As I wake up each morning I stare at the signed pictures that I hung on my dresser mirror and remember Amber, the one and only cheerleader with a personality.  It was a blistering hot day when I attended the game which is unusual for SF.  Any day that gets above 80 degrees is an oddity in the bay area.  I attended the event with my friend Martin who attends many of these social gatherings with me.  What is not to like, scantily clad beautiful twenty year olds, free beer and food and watching a football game.  The 49’rs played Detroit that day as well so they actually won the game.  Even our local wanna be’s could beat Detroit last year.
    Luckily Martin had driven separately from me so it worked out well when he left that I hung around the parking lot for a while wondering if I would be lucky enough to see Amber again that day for the second time.  Martin’s nickname for me is lucky and while he says it sarcastically I do find that my luck holds true on most occasions.  As it happened to be on this day I was graced with pulling the right end of the wishbone and Amber came through the personnel only door with a group of other girls and headed to a car that it seemed they shared.  There were four of them and they all jumped in the bright red jeep cranked up the music and sharply turned heading for the exit sign.  I started up my car and followed feeling lucky.
    They headed south which surprised me somewhat and pulled off on Broadway heading to the Burlingame area.  My god could I possibly live in the same town as cheerleaders.  I had to be lucky.  They ventured up to Burlingame Ave. and after circling a couple of times found a parking spot and as I continued following them they headed to a local wine bar.  I in turn headed in, ordered a Cabernet (I can’t drink Merlot anymore since that movie “Sideways” I think it was called) and relaxed just watching them.  I still had my pictures so I leafed through trying to place each ones name and found that I was in attendance with Amber, Stephanie, and Jessica and was unsure of the last one but she could have been Lisa or Jill.  Either one was fine with me.  It didn’t matter at all.
    They hung out for about a couple of hours and then they left.  Amber surprisingly didn’t go back to the Jeep but instead walked down Burlingame Ave. waving goodbye to the other girls as they parted ways.  I casually kept my distance strolling behind Amber as she weaved her way through a few side streets and ended up entering an apartment building on Oakdale Ave.  My guess is that she lived here most likely with roommates although I had no physical proof.  I sat outside for a while just watching the windows of the apartment building making a note of the address before I left.
    I remember at the time thinking that I would have to come back to this building when I felt more empowered and visit Amber some day.  How or why would I not?  I wanted to get to know her better.  Find out who she was and what she liked to do other than cheerleading.  Eventually I would show her my hobby as well but that could wait for a while.  I needed to enjoy her presence and bide my time for the appropriate opportunity.

April 28, 2009 Posted by | Stories | , , , , | Leave a comment