Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent

Miss America

Last night I had an hour to kill and the TV was on from something during the day and we caught an hour of the Miss America pageant.  My middle daughter’s comment during the bathing suit competition of the top 15 was how she had already picked out her favorite three and what were my thoughts.  I honestly responded and said I thought they all looked great.  How could one not.  I am a forty two year old male and they are 20 year old gorgeous women scampering about on stage in two piece bikinis for me to view.  I didn’t tell my daughter the latter part of that comment.
    I asked myself where else could you view this type of activity.  A strip club possibly, or maybe a nude beach but even at a nude beach not all the women would be this hot.  A beach in Mexico or Florida during spring break but it is searing heat down there.  Possibly porn, that shows woman of this caliber with little to no clothes on.  I still fail to understand the target of the Miss America pageant and to be honest until last night didn’t even know that it was still happening, but I guess it is.
    After about an hour we changed the channel to Amazing Race which is our Sunday night tradition but the gorgeous women were now in my recent memory cue.  None of them even held a briefcase of money and I didn’t hear the host one time ask them to open their case or whether they were ready to deal or no deal.  At least give me the opportunity to win a prize.
    I enjoy looking at woman as much as the next guy but this show really takes brainless TV to literally.  It is even more ironic that it was being held in Las Vegas.  Didn’t President Obama ban all companies from going to Las Vages.  I guess the Miss America Pageant doesn’t ever anticipate needing any bailout money.

April 20, 2009 Posted by | Current Events | , , , , | Leave a comment

No more dog stories, Please

    Enough with the dog.  I don’t care if it is my mama, yo mama, O bama or Alabama.  Just get over yourselves and shut up please.  The fact that the biggest news around is a tea party and how the dog behaves is sad beyond itself.  Who cares if North Korea is about to strike with a nuclear warhead or if Obama actually thinks Chavez is smart enough to write his own book versus just handing it to the President any story would and should trump the recanting of when and where the first dog happened to take a shit.
     The America’s summit proved one thing which we have all know for years.  The big kid on the block is always the target and the US is no different.
     Lucky for us we are smart enough to drive our economy into the toilet in the hopes that we as a people can do what no nation before us had the ability.  Cripple the country into a state of third world turmoil.  Don’t panic we still have a long way to go but we are giving it our best shot.
    Just the sheer fact that we think firing Jim Wagoner will be our saving grace should be reason enough to understand why the Aryan nation is back in swing in Idaho.  I am sorry but I have to ask the question everyone wants to but nobody dares.
    Is Idaho even a state.  How many people live there 10?  Let’s offer it up to North Korea letting Wagnor run it as Governor with the Aryan hate mongrels as his cabinet but only if he promises to read  “The Open Veins of Latin America……”.
    Is it written in French?  Have we instituted Royal yet?  I heard he had some psychological issues.

April 18, 2009 Posted by | Current Events | , , | Leave a comment