Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent

Mother’s Day

I admittedly come from a “broken” family as they are defined.  Not sure I agree with the label and its negative connotations but my parents were divorced when I was very young so call it what you will.  I haven’t seen my birth mother since I was one so our connection has been lost over my 42 years as you might imagine.  My father has been married to the same woman for the last 30 years with a few trial and errors occurring between the span of open time if anyone is keeping track.  Still no matter what the situation, mothers in all walks of life have the ultimate life giving gift and all the baggage that accompanies something this grand.

I am not the best son by any means.  I fail to call on some occasions (talking about my step mother who by my definition would be my mother), don’t send cards and I am mostly a failure at showing the gratitude the day is designed to instigate.  For clarification it doesn’t mean that I don’t feel love and appreciation I just don’t show it I all cases to the extent that is natural.  I look back on my childhood and even into adulthood and the relationship I have had with my mother has been rocky at times while still being filled with moments of connection and bonding.  She has made mistakes as have I but the result is nothing more than what life is all about.

So to all mothers out there and specifically to my mother I want to say happy Mother’s Day to you.  I hope you have a great day and know that even with my inability to express my emotions as openly as I should I do remember and appreciate what being a mother means.  I remember the times when you were there for me from doing laundry to making your best attempt at keeping me navigating down the right path.  I appreciate you being non judgmental when the mistakes I was making rapidly accumulated seeming to overwhelm me until I found my way back.  I read the notes that you send, the jokes that you forward and appreciate the family stories that you share of your life and what is happening today.

I do all of this even though I am not the best at responding or keeping in touch or reciprocating as I know I should.  So in my feeble attempt at reaching out and expressing my repressed emotions I wanted to say specifically to you, I do love you and appreciate all that you have done and all that you do.  Keep it up if you don’t mind as it helps prop me up when times are bad and helps lift me higher when times are good.

As your day approaches and with all my love,

Happy Mother’s Day

May 8, 2009 Posted by | Family | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment