Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent

He’s Just not that Into You

he-s-just-not-that-into-you-2hes just not that into youSnuggling up on the couch and watching a romantic comedy.  It just doesn’t get any better than that.  Another movie about relationships that work, that need work, that are just beginning and are just ending, this movie depicts the gambit on the flow of connectivity between a man and a woman and how some things work and some things just turn to crap.  It is filled with stars and for the most part they come through leaving you both sad and happy from the many ups and downs that you experience.  My favorite is Jennifer Aniston and Ben Aflack as they struggle with being happy yet not having the commitment of marriage.  Even with my jaded past I still believe in the formal union process and hopefully someday will connect strolling back down that aisle.

The premise of the movie is that women have been programmed their entire lives (since childhood) to believe it is ok for men to treat them like crap.  From beginning adolescence when a boy will call a girl a name or push her down in the playground it is depicted as boys showing their affection for girls in the only way they know how, by being mean.  It is a funny take on life and gives the movie a unique twist when it is hard to have unique twists in our sensory overloaded techno age being inundated with media at all angles.  I would question if men are really as mean as they are made out to be in the movie.  Not all men are as confident as shown and the male vulnerability can be easily viewed by walking down any cubicle filled office of engineers.  It is amazing that any of them actually get married.

The flip side is when Scarlet Johansson goes after a married man in the movie with no qualms about his current status.  I mean isn’t her happiness more important that anyone else’s.  She continually strings along another man on the side the entire time showing you that there are some women out there in the world that can play the game as well as any man.

Interestingly enough the movie has some happy endings and some sad ones as not all the relationships work out.  It is a very entertaining movie and for all of you out there in the world who are dying to know the answer to the question at hand, yes I did cry.  It wasn’t an all out bawling mind you but the tear did fall a little down my check as I quickly wiped it away avoiding notice by my partner who was openly weeping her heart out.  I have to keep some semblance of my manliness right.  I agree even though it might only be a small semblance.  Just for the record we are still talking about my emotional state of being not anything physical.

This is yet again another movie that I would strongly recommend for the casual fun filled romantic evening curled up in front of your Comcast on demand DVR.  This kind of movie always works better with a couple of glasses of wine and somebody to share it with would be my only recommendation.

June 18, 2009 Posted by | Divorce, Family, Personal, Relationship | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

American Idol

    Can you say bye bye to Matt?  Well not sure but it is funny to listen to Randy and Simon fight like two little girls.  Is there a single singer that the two of these guys can agree on?  They fight worse than Paula and what the hell is that other lady’s name?  It seems like Kara and Randy are teaming up and going toe to toe with Paula and Simon in the opposite corner.  Can we all just get along?  Interestingly the singing sensation/ultimate fighting show is only overshadowed by the little piglet sickness.  Is this the virus that is going to take us all out emulating our movies focusing on the plague of the future?
    I happen to agree with Simon more times than not but damn Randy is just plain cool.  The next thing you know he might be switching parties similar to Specter and that would just throw off the entire balance.  We can’t have one party with more power than the other.  This is reserved for marriages only.  No offense to all the women out there.  My suggestion is to serve up Pork at all weddings and let the best man/woman survive.  The US now has its first death from the much hyped virus and it sounds like there might be more coming.
    I watched a movie the other night about a deadly virus and I thought that most of them originated in Great Britain.  How can you isolate the island if the virus starts on a continent?  Culturally we are so integrated cross country that a virus spreads just about as fast as you can sneeze in the direction of Canada.  The world wide proliferation of McDonalds had to take its toll on society at some point and ironically they don’t even serve pork.
    The good news is that Pakistan has stood up and decided to squash the rebellion occurring as the Taliban attempted their latest uprising.  The bad news is that North Korea will probably just Nuke them in a couple years anyway.  We should tell everyone if they can’t figure out how to get along we will force feed them pork chops grown in Pittsburgh which continues to hold the ranking as the city with the worse air quality.  I am not sure if that would be bad for the virus or possibly help to kill it off.  Sometimes two wrongs make a right.
    Just ask Mel’s new girlfriend.  Does she know what he is like when he drinks?  Ah, now there is the true rantings of a lunatic.  We should tell Mel that if he truly has lost his swagger talk to Danny on American Idol.  He apparently has found it, although in my humble opinion Kris and Adam are tops. Those two guys are incredible.  Bye Bye Matt.

April 28, 2009 Posted by | Current Events | , , | Leave a comment

Miss America

Last night I had an hour to kill and the TV was on from something during the day and we caught an hour of the Miss America pageant.  My middle daughter’s comment during the bathing suit competition of the top 15 was how she had already picked out her favorite three and what were my thoughts.  I honestly responded and said I thought they all looked great.  How could one not.  I am a forty two year old male and they are 20 year old gorgeous women scampering about on stage in two piece bikinis for me to view.  I didn’t tell my daughter the latter part of that comment.
    I asked myself where else could you view this type of activity.  A strip club possibly, or maybe a nude beach but even at a nude beach not all the women would be this hot.  A beach in Mexico or Florida during spring break but it is searing heat down there.  Possibly porn, that shows woman of this caliber with little to no clothes on.  I still fail to understand the target of the Miss America pageant and to be honest until last night didn’t even know that it was still happening, but I guess it is.
    After about an hour we changed the channel to Amazing Race which is our Sunday night tradition but the gorgeous women were now in my recent memory cue.  None of them even held a briefcase of money and I didn’t hear the host one time ask them to open their case or whether they were ready to deal or no deal.  At least give me the opportunity to win a prize.
    I enjoy looking at woman as much as the next guy but this show really takes brainless TV to literally.  It is even more ironic that it was being held in Las Vegas.  Didn’t President Obama ban all companies from going to Las Vages.  I guess the Miss America Pageant doesn’t ever anticipate needing any bailout money.

April 20, 2009 Posted by | Current Events | , , , , | Leave a comment