Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent

What defines Scary

   I seem to have a knack in my writing style that allows me to delve into the subconscious workings of deviant behavior.  I wonder what that says about me as a person and what that says about the people who find me intriguing.  If you are able to articulate the feelings of a psychopath in a fictional story does that lead you to those tendencies?
    I am not sure how to answer that in broad terms.  I have never hurt anyone physical but have I done so emotionally.  I think anyone who has been in a relationship for longer than five minutes has most likely hurt somebody emotionally.  It just goes with the territory.  Does that define who we are?  I think in my book it reflects on the intention but even that is unclear.  If I accidentally hurt somebody does that make it any less hurtful?
    Who knows who anyone really is?  How often do we hear about the nice quite guy who goes crazy and kills everyone in the post office?  This is just the extreme as well.  What about all the incidents that are not so graphic but are still an out of “perceived” character flow?  I personally believe that I am more in tune with who I am than most people from the sheer fact of honesty.  I have accepted myself and my flaws and no longer attempt to hide the person that I am.  I am not sure about the writing question.  I write what I feel and then project that into characters delving into the flow of whom I think they are and what they would do.
    I think Heath Ledger is the most prominent example of this in recent months.  There was broad speculation that his adaption of the Joker was so disturbing that it affected his thought process in reality.  I guess if you throw yourself into a character so dramatically that is a possibility.  I can’t imagine crossing that line but I can say that writing about disturbing events does affect one’s thoughts.  How can it now.  Reading them does as well.
    Our society is so preoccupied with death and murder.  It proliferates our newswires and dominates our very existence.  There is never an event that occurs of any significance that does not get publicly displayed.  A great example is simply driving by a car wreck on the highway.  How many people slow down to get a better view?  It is a little crazy.
    In the end all we can do is feel comfortable in who we are and live with the knowledge that good people are good people and bad people….well they are not good people.

April 22, 2009 Posted by | Personal | , , , | Leave a comment