Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent


Scenario:  You have a great job.  You make very good money.  You have achieved a certain level of success and you like your team that you work with.  Your company is secure and you have a strong working knowledge of your position and the goals you would like to attain both short term and long term.  All of this and you struggle with happiness.
    What if you spent your entire life working in an occupation that you didn’t enjoy.  Does anyone really enjoy their job.  Do you have to truly love what you do or is everything you do simply a means to an end.  You spend approximately 65% of the days in your working life at your job.  65%.  On those days you probably average 10 hours a day at work and most likely it takes you a couple hours each day getting to and from work or at least getting ready and then going to and from work.
    Most people sleep on average 6 hours a day so you are now up to 18 hours out of a 24 hour period.  Approximately 50% of your time every year is spent working or getting ready to work.25% is sleeping.  On average you have 25% of your time to do whatever the hell it is that you choose to do.
    What is the point?  I guess if you only have a limited years on earth do you really want to waste 50% of your lifetime doing something you don’t like just to get to the end.  How many times have we heard the comments regarding enjoying the journey.  If your only goal is to get to the end once you get their you will be sadly disappointed.  Yet how many of us in life fluter along complaining and doing nothing about it.
    Are we not brave enough to take risks.  Are we so scared that we can only be thankful for the painful existence that we fight to get through every day.  Getting home so tired or angry that we don’t enjoy ourselves anyway.  How long before we all snap, breaking like twigs in a forest taking out anyone in our vicinity blaming everyone but the one person who can force change.  Stop crying like babies and be a man.  Jump into the water and see how cold it is.  Swim around until you warm up and figure out how to live.
    I am getting closer to taking that chance.  Every day I get one step closer to jumping and seeing what it is that I can be.  Every day until one day I won’t get any closer but that is defined as death.  The choice is mine.  I can choose to live or choose to remain steady and safe.  What should I do.

April 24, 2009 - Posted by | Personal | , ,

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