Duncan Moron

Your Link to Artistic Talent

Commonality of Loneliness

Lonely-1lonelyAs I write my book (n0w on my second), fumble with my blog and jot down short stories I ponder the commonality of the human race.  We are all made differently.  Nobody can really understand what graces the mind of anyone else.  Who knows what somebody is truly thinking as you stand doing a presentation in an office or in a crowded elevator going to your next psychology session to help you decipher who and what you are.  We are all living in a vacuum of irrationality. 

How many stories/movies are made about what might happen if somebody could read everyone’s minds?  The reason this is so intriguing is that you never really know.  You can be in the middle of a passionate kiss and your significant other might be thinking of her/his shopping list.  You might be in the middle of a heated debate and all your antagonist is wondering is how you have a huge zit in the middle of your forehead.  The insanity of life is that we have no idea what or who we are because we are simply the result of everyone else’s perception.  Anything else we believe is a fantasy for our own self indulgence.

The only things we share with our fellow humans is the gift of life and the curse of death.  If we are here we all went through the process of birth and if we are here we are all guaranteed to experience the finality of death.  Nobody can deny the two.  What else do we have?  We are a society that craves companionship and camaraderie because it is the one thing that we will never have.  No matter what you think of your buddy sitting across the table you will never know for sure what he feels or thinks of you.

We can only hope that we are one of the lucky select few who find that person to balance us.  That person who will tell us the truth, stand by us, guide us as we do the same for them.  Love (a profoundly tender passionate affection for another person) according to dictionary.com.  By that definition how many of us will truly experience it.  We might think we will but is it a lie.  I can guarantee one thing most of us will never know.  We will know two things for sure, birth and death.

If you are as I and can say that you have found that evasive connection then hang on with all your strength.  It will happen quickly, unexpectedly and if you allow yourself to slow down and analyze it you will find you have lost it.  Go with the feeling, nurture it no matter what the naysayers are trying to predict as a verdict.  It will be unexplainable and magically and if you miss it you will most likely never find it again.  It will break all of your rules and people will think you are crazy.  They are probably right but they also do not understand.

Love is unique and therefore denies the standardized playbook.  Don’t miss out, you get very few chances.

June 7, 2009 - Posted by | Personal, Stories | , , , , , , , ,


  1. Great words. I wrote a short piece on Loneliness a few days ago as well. I definitely share your sentiments. http://caressa1.wordpress.com/2009/06/02/loneliness/


    Comment by Caressa | June 7, 2009 | Reply

  2. I read your writing and it was very heartfelt. I have only been doing this for about 8 weeks but find it very therapeutic.

    Keep going forward and life has a way of drawing us forward even if we have difficulty finding the path on our own.

    Comment by journalstone | June 7, 2009 | Reply

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